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Monday, May 31, 2010

Thank You

Phyllis and I want to thank Dale for doing this. It sounds like a great idea. I have no idea how to do this is or even if this note is going out on the blog. I need very basic directions as to how to use a blog. Regardless, it is a neat thing to do and we appreciate Dale's hard work to put it together. We are looking forward to our trip and getting to know everyone better
In HIS Grip,


  1. I can tell I am going to have to be careful to not make typing errors. Now I don't know how to go back and correct my mistake in my first blog. OOPS!!!

  2. I figured out how to correct mistakes.

  3. You are very welcome Schuyler and Phyllis. I've really enjoyed putting this blog together, so it's a good match. If any of you find some benefit out of it, that's just even better!

    And Schuyler, it looks like you're going to be pro at blogging in the very near future... you've already posted, and commented, and corrected your mistake... That's about 95% of everything you'll ever need/want to do.


  4. I am so excited and appreciative of you putting this together also!! We're gonna have an awesome time!!

